
Shopping in the Old Town of La Herradura
La Herradura

Shopping, Markets & Fiestas!

La Herradura - Local Market

The shopping in La Herradura is very simple but complete. It has all the necessities you will need during your stay plus a few more boutiques and home stores for a little variety. There is also a plaza in the center of town that holds a weekly market selling low-end items such as clothing and linens.

Shopping in La Herradura!

You will find one major grocery chain in town, DĂ­a, and several other smaller family owned establishments.

La Herradura Shopping

There is one small campground grocery store at the western end of town that usually has very odd hours and remains open when all others are closed. It’s the place to go if you ever forget something during siesta.

La Herradura has several fresh bread and pastry shops too, there is one right across from the beach and the Municipal Market that is very good and has a great number of choices. There are also two other bakeries near the plaza.

La Herradura has a wine shop, computer store, hardware store, photo printing store, a few dress shops and furniture stores and a very nice interior décor boutique, among many more. Any type of services you require can generally be found here.

General hours: The hours for all businesses in town are the same as all the towns in the Costa Tropical.

Shopping the Local Market in La Herradura!

The Municipal Market (Fresh Foods & Flower Market) - Monday - Saturday (six days a week) 9:00 - 2:00 - Paseo AndrĂ©s Segovia – Flowers are available Tuesdays and Saturdays.

La Herradura Markets La Herradura Markets Spices

The Mercadillo (Outdoor Crafts / Wares Market) - Located in the Plaza Nueva at the center of town, every Sunday 9:00 - 2:00

Outdoor Antique Market - Located in Almunecar the 1st Saturday of each month - 9:00 - 2:00 - Beyond the Blas Infante Arch, across from McDonalds

Fiestas Celebrated in La Herradura!

almunecar flag March 17th San Patricio
Celebration of the town's patron saint together with the feast of San José

almunecar flag March 19th San José
DĂ­a de San JosĂ© (St. Joseph) – the patron saint of La Herradura is celebrated by a week filled with festivities, games, rides, processions and fireworks taking place along the expansive beachfront.

almunecar flag March 23rd Los Homazos
Los Homazos - This fiesta is celebrated during the Sunday of Glory and the Monday of Semana Santa. The hornazo, a typical bread from DĂșrcal, is made with olive oil dough with a hard boiled egg in its center. Families and friends partake of this bread during this holiest week in the religious calendar Holy Week itself is filled with traditional customs and still celebrated on the many cortijos that dot the hillsides.
photo of Darsey and Izzy

Who are we? An American expat with over 20 years of experience living and traveling in Spain, specifically in Malaga and Granada. Darsey is a seasoned explorer of Andalucia. Drawing from decades of immersive experience, she offers deep insights into this enchanting region of Spain, including off-the-beaten path destinations, the best places to stay, and the top bucket list activities to try! More...

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