
Who are we?
Who are we?

Who is Costatropical.net:
Our story & the purpose behind the website

Getting from Malaga to Nerja and its beaches

photo of Darsey and Izzy

Who am I? An American expat with over 20 years of experience living and traveling in Spain, specifically in Malaga and Granada. Darsey is a seasoned explorer of Andalucia. Drawing from decades of immersive experience, she offers deep insights into this enchanting region of Spain, including off-the-beaten path destinations, the best places to stay, and the top bucket list activities to try!

The Author

Hello! My name is Darsey and I am the face behind costatropical.net! I am a web developer by trade and created this website to showcase the beautiful country that I fell in love with so many years ago!

I was born and raised in the USA, North Carolina to be exact, and have always had a love for travel. When I was in my early twenties, I started traveling around Europe and landed in Spain for the first time in 2001. I was hooked!

My husband and I (he's from Argentina) took a trip to Barcelona in 2002, drove down the coast past Cabo de Gata, through Almeria and ended up on the Costa Tropical. It was love at first sight. We stayed in the pretty fishing village of La Herradura for the next two years...and loved every minute of it. My son was actually born in Malaga at that time!

From then on we lived and traveled all over Spain, sometimes full-time, sometimes part-time, but always spending time here. In 2015, we moved back permanently with our two kids and crazy dog Ricky in tow (who has a penchant for photobombing 😉).

Now I spend my days juggling coding, photography, exploration, and the joyful chaos of family life... and hope to share some of the places I've discovered with you!

Why I can help you

After more than two adventurous decades immersed in the culture, landscapes and hidden corners of Malaga and Granada, I've amassed a treasure trove of insider tips and experiences... and I want to share them with you. Whether you're looking for off-the-beaten-path destinations, local culinary delights, or advice on moving to Spain yourself... I've got you covered.

Why Trust Me?

We live in La Herradura, right on the border between Malaga and Granada (and about 10 minutes from both Nerja and Frigiliana), so every blog post I write comes from real life experience. I spend a lot of time in the villages I write about and as a family we have lived, laughed and eaten our way through all these beautiful areas. So you can kind of consider me an expert on all things Costa del Sol... every recommendation I make is authentic and heartfelt.

With a background in web development and design, I also try to present the information in an organized and user-friendly way.

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